Category: BIM
Fill in ‘Drawn By’ on sheets with Revit Python Shell
More often than not, drafters or modelers forget to fill in Drawn By or Checked By on the sheets due to lack of time and fast approaching deadlines.
Introducing Revit Python Shell
Revit Python Shell, RPS, is a useful, a really useful tool to test Python scripts live. You can run what you type in the console to see the results and debug in a terminal as if it is in a Python console.
Introduction to pyRevit
[pyRevit] allows you to use tools like Make Pattern that will save you heaps of time creating fill patterns directly inside Revit or Set Revisions on Sheets or Print Ordered Sheet Index.
What programming language should you choose? For Revit
A common question that I find myself answering often is: what should I learn to automate tasks and create my own Revit tools? Usually, my answer goes on and on for at least 15 minutes, and if the lucky listener is still interested afterward, I would jump to the second part of my answer sharing…
Delete or Move Revit Backups
Removing Revit backups for families and project files can be, sometimes, a bit tedious. If you have folders and subfolders with tons of families or not work shared projects, backups can take a big portion of the storage and make it hard to find what you need.
Matrix of Elements along Curve
[This tool] will provide a tool to place families along a curve in Revit besides arcs and lines.
Dynamo quick-start template
The true power of Dynamo is to make accessible the Revit’s raw features and tools and adapt them to the user needs in an easy way.
Welcome to BIMicon!
Let’s take the first step of the journey and hope you enjoy your time spend with us!